Saturday, April 19, 2008

my first final:

I just went to my art teacher's parent's house for a final and IT WAS AMAZING. wow. it's just like i envisioned my house to be like. here are some pictures:

her parents are artists and the whole house is customized:

these are nickels in the cement on the front porch:

the front door

the kitchen is my favorite part!!!



Courtney said...

Wow! There house look like something you would see in a magazine.

Alie said...

I know, right? It's hard to capture it all in a photograph because it has limits, but WOW. Everything was custom made. I suppose it pays off to be a sculpture artist and have the tools readily available... :)

The Boring Family said...

That is such a cool house! I'm glad to see that you haven't had time to post anything because you're studying hard for finals! Can't wait to see you on Friday!

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