Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hello all! I'm in France!! And not one of you emailed me back! :( I can't even begin to tell you how depressing that is. I'm missing home more than ever. I actually cried in the shower this morning because I miss home so much. We ran into the missionaries a couple of days ago and they gave us the address to sacrament meeting. I had the opportunity to either to go Versailles today (sunday) on a day trip or to church, and I chose church. (The boys went off to Versailles.) I don't think it was a coincidence that we ran into the missionaries, do you? God works in wonderful ways.

One of the biggest things I've noticed is that everything is free back home in America, and I took it all for granted up until now. For example, here you have to pay to use the toilette. It's ridiculous. And don't even think about getting water for free anywhere. Tessa and I have resorted to drinking out of almost any tap we can find and carrying around tons of water throughout the day. Last night we ran out and water isn't free at restaurants, so right as we sat down in a restaurant, Tessa resorted to stealing the half empty pitcher off of someone else's table that had already left! Good thing no one saw that. The boys are hesitant and are buying bottled water, but I refuse to spend the money unless I'm desperate. We asked a few people at church and they all said for most of western europe, the water is fabulous. I figure they live here and would know best.

I wish I could upload pictures to you all! Because I'm using a public computer though, there isn't anywhere for me to hook my camera up.

Last night Tessa and I had our first real run in with a pickpocket. We were standing at the Eiffel Tower (which words can barely describe...I'll get to that in a minute) and this big black guy dressed in all black came up really close behind us and touched her waist. She turned around abruptly and was like, "excuse me..." and gave him a look. He left. Good thing we don't carry things in our pockets!! We watched him for a few more minutes and he pretended to take pictures of the Eiffel but really looked around and then looked down and pickpocketed. It was ridiculous.

Everyone in their lifetime should have the opportunity to see the Eiffel. (I'm on a first-name basis with it now...after all, I climbed over 700 steps to get to just the middle!) Climbing it and seeing the views from the top is one of the most breathtaking things in life. Seeing it at night when they turn on the lights and the whole Eiffel sparkles like diamonds (I got a video of it) is absolutely...words cannot describe how beautiful it is. Paris is the dirtiest and smelliest city I have ever visited, but seeing the Eiffel like that makes the whole trip worth it.

I don't know how people aren't 400lbs here. There are bakery cafes on every corner selling all sorts of sweet and delicious pastries and breads. Baguettes are amazing and so cheap. I ate my first pastry today (thought I should atleast try one before I leave here) and DANG it was good! They have lots of sandwiches too and at supermarkets you can find fruit. I've been eating a lot of fruit...about 2 apples a day atleast.

Last night we went to the Artist Village (Monmarte?). There were dozens of artists painting and portrait drawing. It was a really neat little village...if I ever come back to Paris I'd love to go again. There are a lot of talented artists there; it was amazing. :) We ate at a little restaurant for 10 euros! (cheap!) We got a drink, chicken and frittes (fries), and a crepe for dessert. Way cool.

It's been difficult to communicate with people here, but mostly we can get around by pointing and using our hands. Rob, Paul, and Tessa are all going on a bike tour for a couple hours when we go to Berlin tomorrow, but since I never learned to ride a bike and am too shy to tell them I don't know how, I'm just going to chill in the city by myself. Rob asked me how I felt about biking, and I told him I'd rather walk. I think if they do take a day and explore on bikes in Amsterdam too I can either walk around or use the subway. I'm getting much better at directions, though I'm not perfect yet. It may take me a while, but I can eventually get there. I'm nervous to be alone in a brand new city, but I don't have a choice. I think I'll be fine wandering around.

I don't know what else to tell you all. I miss you like heck and my eyes are getting all teary as I write this. It's hard living out of a backpack in a foreign country with people you aren't super close to and in a strange land. This is much harder than I ever expected it to be. I'm glad I'm doing it though. I'll be buff when I come home....yesterday especially was like being on the stairmaster all day! I can't even tell you how many stairs we climbed throughout the city! (you've got to be in shape to tour's a LOT of walking.) I love you and miss you all. Please write. :(


Courtney said...

I am so glad to hear that you are having so much fun. Rich, Logan and I are nervous about you wandering the city yourself- please tell them to teach you how to ride a bike.We love you and are so happy that you get to see these great sites. take lots of pictures. And don't do anything stupid. (ie walk around any european city by yourself.)

Courtney said...

PS France is not really a 1st world country. DONT Drink that water.

The Boring Family said...

Apparently, we are NOT on the VIP email list, because we didn't even get one to respond to! I think you should maybe look into seeing how much it would cost to rent a 2-seater, tandem bike and just "ride" so you're not by yourself. We love hearing about the fun you're having and are glad that you found church to attend.

Nikki said...

i am sooooo jealous you get to see europe; i really want to go to france someday. it must be way different, but that's what's so cool. take lots of pictures, and i can't wait to see/hear how the rest of your trip goes. :)

Alie said...

today was fine and tessa and i ended up finding this little market to walk around in. i think we have decided to split with the boys during the day because we all want to do different things. we will always meet up at night though...
i love you all and love hearing from you! i wish i could talk more but i dont have any time. lots of stories when i come home! (one especially about a danish man on our night train last night and a drunkard named william...)
love you!!

Anonymous said...

Well apparently we aren't on any HIGH priority list either... you know your niece has only seen you once... and (us too)would love to see you again, pictures don't do jusitce. So maybe you could fit into your busy schedule when you get back to come see your only brother and sister-in-law and your niece. Stay safe and we love you!

Alie said...

what is this priority email list you all are talking about...?

Anonymous said...

Read the 2nd sentence of this post...

Alie said...

i don't have your email or the boring's email...

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