Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When in Rome...

I feel like I'm having this grand adventure for all of you. It's kind of exciting, really, but I hope you all choose one place in Europe that you'd really like to see and go back there someday. Promise me that.
We arrived in Rome this morning at 9am, after the night train from hell. It was awful...none of us got any decent sleep. We didn't want to fork over 20 euros (which is 30 dollars) for a couchette (a bed on the train) so we decided to get seats. Bad idea. Last time we got seats the train was empty so we each could lay down on the seats and sprawl out, but not here, oh no. The whole train was full and thus we ended up sleeping sitting up for 12 hours. Never again. Tessa and I decided next time we will reserve a seat and a couchette and split the price. Then we would sleep together in the couchette, which is much better than a seat. We'll see. The guy who sat across from me on the night train was gross...he was short and a rollie-pollie, and his pants were so tight on him his fly wouldn't zip. I just didn't look over at him at all for fear of seeing something I didn't want to see.
We're in Rome, but it's pouring down rain! Everywhere we've been for the past three days has been rainy and glum. Bring on the sunshine; I'm ready for it!! We visited the Forum today, which is all of the remains of ancient Rome! It was beautiful and amazing and I can't wait to show you guys pictures of it all. It started raining really hard so Tessa and I are going to go to the Colosseum tomorrow. Judging by the outside, the inside has got to be cool. I'm excited for it. It looks like I am going to need to buy an umbrella. I keep putting it off because I think to myself that it will be sunny tomorrow, but I'm not so sure anymore!
Our hostel today is pretty dirty, but I am dealing with it. It's just the bathrooms that reek, and the showers are disgusting. I wear flip flops in the shower just to be safe.

I love you all and can't wait to see you! I didn't know what to get everyone, so I am bringing you all chocolate from Switzerland. I almost brought you German chocolate, but the Germans I asked said to get Swiss tastes better. :) I'll be in Switzerland either Saturday or Sunday, so if there is a specific kind of candy bar you want for your family (i.e. dark chocolate, toffee, milk, semi-sweet...), let me know! I'll do my best to please everyone. I love you and miss you!


Courtney said...

Logan says "What?!?!" When I told her you weren't collecting postcards. Are you at least sending them? When I was a little girl Grandpa and Grandma Miller sent me a postcard of a Castle in Europe and I loved it. I think I lost it so maybe you could find another one for me?

Courtney said...

P.S. Afton loves mail too. The dentist sent her a postcard and it is proudly displayed on the fridge. Now wouldn't you like to be proudly displayed as well?

Anonymous said...

my request for chocolate is milk with toffee of just plain milk. but it sound like you are having tons of fun. please send postcards. its fun to get mail. at least send one to aaron if anyone.

The Boring Family said...

Unfortunately, I am trying hard to stay away from chocolate (it causes terrible heartburn!), but Morgan LOVES it! She would be happy with any kind you brought her! She's like you--not too picky about what kind--it all tastes good! I'm loving reading about your experiences. As far as that guy on the train--if you're going to Scotland, beware if you see men in kilts! I hear you don't want to be around on a breezy day! Anyway, we are super excited to hear about everything and would enjoy a postcard! I wish you had an address so Morgan could send you a card--that's her thing these days. She colors cards and sends them to people.

Oh, my co-worker Janet says she likes Milk Chocolate!

Love ya!

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